Organizing a Phage Therapy Trip in Georgia

Organization of a stay for phage therapy treatment in Georgia
You have the agreement of Georgian doctors to receive treatment. Now, it is time to organize your phage therapy treatment in Georgia.
Our goal is to ensure that you only focus on your care. We take care of everything else, including interpreter services, scheduling medical appointments, translation, transfers, accommodation, etc.
Feel free to contact us at +339 72 27 65 17 (toll-free number for Europeans) or + 995 322 34 94 34 for any further information you may need.
If you have the agreement of doctors for phage therapy treatment, please send us an email by visiting the contact page (click on the button below). Confirm your full name, date of birth, and preferred treatment date, and we will provide you with a quote.
To organize phage therapy treatment ?
Communication with Georgian
Georgia is a beautiful and welcoming country. However, communication with Georgians can often be challenging due to the fact that they predominantly speak Georgian and Russian. Furthermore, these languages use different alphabets that are not even Latin-based. Finding your way around and reading street names can already be an adventure. Additionally, Westerners are often perceived as more financially well-off, leading to higher prices and potential overcharging. It is helpful to have all your transfers from the airport to your accommodation and medical care organized.
Moreover, not all doctors are fluent in English. The need for an interpreter, especially one with medical knowledge, is an absolute necessity.
Quality Accommodation and Familiarity with the City
“Accommodations in Georgia are often not of the same quality as in the West. It is necessary to visit them, validate their quality, and negotiate the rates. Not all neighborhoods are equal either. It is important to be familiar with them in order to choose a pleasant location close to shops, restaurants, etc., and avoid ending up in the outskirts, far from the treatment centers and points of interest in Tbilisi.
That is why we only offer you Western-quality accommodations in pleasant neighborhoods.”
Logistical Organization
You may be wondering how to organize your stay, find accommodation with the right balance of quality and price in the right location, translate your medical records, locate healthcare facilities, secure appointments with doctors, arrange transportation from your accommodation to your medical appointments, communicate with doctors, and receive guidance in Georgia.
Our goal is for you to only focus on your care. We handle everything else, including interpreter services, scheduling medical appointments, translation, transfers, accommodation, and more.
Don’t worry, everything will be organized for you!
Frequently asked questions
Thirty minutes before your first medical appointment, our team will pick you up from your accommodation and take you to your appointment, always accompanied by your French-speaking medical interpreter. This will be the case for all your medical appointments that we organize throughout your stay. At the end of each medical consultation, they will bring you back to your accommodation.