Eric – autistic

My son Eric, 22 years old, is autistic. Following phage therapy in Georgia, he is doing rather well. He recently underwent intestinal microbiota analysis, and it can be said that the phages have thoroughly CLEANED UP! There’s no trace of unwanted bacteria left, with abundant and absolutely normal intestinal flora. Eric no longer has any pain in his head or stomach. He is now well-tolerant to light, sound, and taking a shower is no longer a problem (the water no longer feels like acid). In short, he is experiencing a quality of life that he has never known before. For the past month, he has gradually reintroduced gluten into his diet, and currently, he is not imposing any particular restrictions on himself, except for lactose, and he is very cautious about oxalates.

We went to a neurologist, who performed another EEG on him, and it appears that his brain no longer shows the inflammatory state that was detected two years ago.


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