Doctor Alain Dublanchet

Alain Dublanchet is a French doctor and microbiologist.
Through his work, his research, his numerous appearances in the media, and his books, he has long been promoting phage therapy and its authorization in Western countries. His expertise and knowledge in the field of phage therapy, updated to modern medical techniques, make him an undisputed reference.
He was head of the microbiology laboratory at the Villeneuve-Saint-Georges hospital center in France and has long worked in collaboration with Dr. Patey. Today, they continue together to promote phage therapy in Western countries to rehabilitate it as soon as possible
He was head of the microbiology laboratory at the Villeneuve-Saint-Georges hospital center in France and has long worked in collaboration with Dr. Patey. Today, they continue together to promote phage therapy in Western countries to rehabilitate it as soon as possible
After reviewing your case, Dr. Dublanchet will respond to you if he believes that phage therapy could be an appropriate treatment for you or not. He will be able to inform you, advise you, and answer your questions thoroughly.
1Phage Therapy, Viruses to Fight Infections. 2017, 2nd updated and expanded edition. Favre, Lausanne.
To truly understand phage therapy and clear up any inaccuracies, misconceptions, or myths about this topic, we highly recommend reading this reference book (in French, unfortunately).
The Autobiography of Félix d'Hérelle (in French as well, hopefully soon in English) . The Wanderings of a Bacteriologist. 2017, Lavoisier Paris. Félix D'Hérelle (1873-1949) had a fascinating life full of brilliant ideas, travels around the world, and encounters with illustrious figures. In 1917, he revealed the principle of bacteriophagy and the existence of bacteriophages. With his student, Guiorgui Eliava, he created an institute in the 1920s in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia (then part of the Soviet Union), now called the Eliava Institute to study bacteriophages and develop phage therapy. Today, patients from all over the world go to this same institute for treatment. This book is a page-turner.
To buy on Amazon : Click here
Other books in English to read to know more about phage therapy (click on the links):
Felix d'Hérelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology by William C. SUMMERS
Phage Therapy: Current Research and Applications by Jan BORISOWSKI
The forgotten cure by Anna KUCHMENT
Hurdles for Phage Therapy (PT) to become a reality
To truly understand phage therapy and clear up any inaccuracies, misconceptions, or myths about this topic, we highly recommend reading this reference books above.
The Autobiography of Félix d'Hérelle (in French as well, hopefully soon in English) . The Wanderings of a Bacteriologist. 2017, Lavoisier Paris. Félix D'Hérelle (1873-1949) had a fascinating life full of brilliant ideas, travels around the world, and encounters with illustrious figures. In 1917, he revealed the principle of bacteriophagy and the existence of bacteriophages. With his student, Guiorgui Eliava, he created an institute in the 1920s in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia (then part of the Soviet Union), now called the Eliava Institute to study bacteriophages and develop phage therapy. Today, patients from all over the world go to this same institute for treatment. This book is a page-turner.
To buy on Amazon : Click here
Other books in English to read to know more about phage therapy (click on the links):
Felix d'Hérelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology by William C. SUMMERS
Phage Therapy: Current Research and Applications by Jan BORISOWSKI
The forgotten cure by Anna KUCHMENT
Hurdles for Phage Therapy (PT) to become a reality
To truly understand phage therapy and clear up any inaccuracies, misconceptions, or myths about this topic, we highly recommend reading this reference books above.