Listen to the testimonials of our patients who have been treated with phage therapy.
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Thanks to our connections in Georgia, we can help you find the best doctors.
We organize your stay with an appointment, a medical interpreter, an accomodation and make your treatment our priority.
I have lived in Georgia for about 10 years. I have assisted many people in contacting Georgian doctors and arranging their stay to receive phage therapy. I hope I can be of service to anyone who needs help. I provide all possible information for free.

Introducing phage therapy on YouTube. Further details can be found across the various pages of our website
Georgian physicians have been practicing phage therapy for 100 years and are the world's leading experts in the field.
Bacteria and Conditions Treated
List of bacteria and conditions treated by phage therapy.
See all the tesimonials :
Healed from a urinary tract infection.
I am delighted to share my experience with phage therapy. For 5 years, I had a urinary tract infection that caused me a lot of pain and discomfort, but no treatment or doctor could alleviate it. However, I discovered phage therapy on the internet and decided to go to Georgia to get treated. I am
I am delighted to share my experience with phage therapy. For 5 years, I had a urinary tract infection that caused me a lot of pain and discomfort, but no treatment or doctor could alleviate it. However, I discovered phage therapy on the internet and decided to go to Georgia to get treated. I am happy to say that the treatment was very effective and only lasted 3 weeks. The medical team that took care of me was very professional and attentive to my needs. They also provided excellent follow-up throughout my treatment. Today, I am completely cured of my urinary tract infection and I am extremely satisfied with the results of the phage therapy. I highly recommend this method to anyone suffering from a difficult-to-treat bacterial infection.
Organization and Service
It is worth noting that the organization was remarkable both in terms of logistics and human support: – Management of travel and accommodation arrangements. – The presence of an outstanding interpreter on-site: Tamouna, supported by the highly efficient Zviad. – Appointments were handled completely and with great reliability. Written on January 6, 2019, by Mrs.
It is worth noting that the organization was remarkable both in terms of logistics and human support:
– Management of travel and accommodation arrangements.
– The presence of an outstanding interpreter on-site: Tamouna, supported by the highly efficient Zviad.
– Appointments were handled completely and with great reliability.
Written on January 6, 2019, by Mrs. F.D.
– Management of travel and accommodation arrangements.
– The presence of an outstanding interpreter on-site: Tamouna, supported by the highly efficient Zviad.
– Appointments were handled completely and with great reliability.
Written on January 6, 2019, by Mrs. F.D.
Madame F.D
Eric – autistic
My son Eric, 22 years old, is autistic. Following phage therapy in Georgia, he is doing rather well. He recently underwent intestinal microbiota analysis, and it can be said that the phages have thoroughly CLEANED UP! There’s no trace of unwanted bacteria left, with abundant and absolutely normal intestinal flora. Eric no longer has any
My son Eric, 22 years old, is autistic. Following phage therapy in Georgia, he is doing rather well. He recently underwent intestinal microbiota analysis, and it can be said that the phages have thoroughly CLEANED UP! There’s no trace of unwanted bacteria left, with abundant and absolutely normal intestinal flora. Eric no longer has any pain in his head or stomach. He is now well-tolerant to light, sound, and taking a shower is no longer a problem (the water no longer feels like acid). In short, he is experiencing a quality of life that he has never known before. For the past month, he has gradually reintroduced gluten into his diet, and currently, he is not imposing any particular restrictions on himself, except for lactose, and he is very cautious about oxalates.
We went to a neurologist, who performed another EEG on him, and it appears that his brain no longer shows the inflammatory state that was detected two years ago.
We went to a neurologist, who performed another EEG on him, and it appears that his brain no longer shows the inflammatory state that was detected two years ago.
Françoise GAUTIER
We were delighted with our stay, both at the hotel and at the clinic, thanks to the competence and kindness of the staff. The organization by the agency “Healing in Georgia” is perfect, and we have no hesitation in recommending their services. My mobile number in case anyone wants more information: +33(0)6 07 73 63
We were delighted with our stay, both at the hotel and at the clinic, thanks to the competence and kindness of the staff.
The organization by the agency “Healing in Georgia” is perfect, and we have no hesitation in recommending their services.
My mobile number in case anyone wants more information: +33(0)6 07 73 63 73
Françoise GAUTIER
The organization by the agency “Healing in Georgia” is perfect, and we have no hesitation in recommending their services.
My mobile number in case anyone wants more information: +33(0)6 07 73 63 73
Françoise GAUTIER
François GAUTIER
Bone and joint infection and staphylococcus aureus
After a knee operation, I was infected with golden staphylococcus. After years of antibiotics, nothing could treat it. Worse, this staphylococcus was very “virulent” and I had several bouts of septicemia. My infectious disease doctor confirmed that I needed to stay close to a hospital as the septicemia could return very quickly and I could
After a knee operation, I was infected with golden staphylococcus. After years of antibiotics, nothing could treat it. Worse, this staphylococcus was very “virulent” and I had several bouts of septicemia. My infectious disease doctor confirmed that I needed to stay close to a hospital as the septicemia could return very quickly and I could die within 24 hours. So, I had no other option but to try phages! I went to Georgia and they took such good care of me with phages that for the past 6 months, I’ve been doing very well and haven’t had any more bouts of septicemia. I had talked to my infectious disease doctor about phages and he told me that if I went to Georgia for phage therapy, he would stop taking care of me! It served me well not to have listened to him and to have gone through with the said phage therapy. Thank you Georgia, thank you phages, thank you for CAUCASUSHEALING!!
Lire plus “Bone and joint infection and staphylococcus aureus”
Phage therapy saved my arm.
Diagnosed with a Staphylococcus aureus infection in my elbow following a motorcycle accident, after undergoing 36 surgeries under general anesthesia and right before facing amputation in France, I discovered phage therapy and “Healing in Georgia.” They helped me organize my stay, medical appointments, provided an interpreter, translated my medical records, and more. Ultimately, they facilitated
Diagnosed with a Staphylococcus aureus infection in my elbow following a motorcycle accident, after undergoing 36 surgeries under general anesthesia and right before facing amputation in France, I discovered phage therapy and “Healing in Georgia.” They helped me organize my stay, medical appointments, provided an interpreter, translated my medical records, and more. Ultimately, they facilitated my healing through phage therapy, allowing me to keep my arm. I am grateful to them and the people of Georgia.
Christian TIXIER
Gérard PAUL
I am 69 years old and had been suffering from painful recurrent urinary tract infections for about 10 years. I was taking antibiotics every six months, but they only provided temporary relief. I learned about phage therapy through TV interviews (see these TV appearances: [YouTube link]). In January 2020, I went to Tbilisi, Georgia, for
I am 69 years old and had been suffering from painful recurrent urinary tract infections for about 10 years. I was taking antibiotics every six months, but they only provided temporary relief. I learned about phage therapy through TV interviews (see these TV appearances: [YouTube link]).
In January 2020, I went to Tbilisi, Georgia, for a week to visit Caucasus Healing and contacted Alain Lavit and his team. In this globally renowned treatment center, I met with a doctor who prescribed me a few small vials of phages. The effect of the treatment was astonishing, as I experienced healing in less than a week by ingesting these small vials of “water” that had no particular taste but were incredibly effective. This was followed by a daily treatment of one vial for about two months. It has been two and a half years since I underwent phage therapy, and I am doing well without the need for antibiotics.
I am immensely grateful to Georgia and its healthcare teams for providing such exceptional care through phage therapy.
Thank you very much to Georgia for phage therapy!
Gérard PAUL
In January 2020, I went to Tbilisi, Georgia, for a week to visit Caucasus Healing and contacted Alain Lavit and his team. In this globally renowned treatment center, I met with a doctor who prescribed me a few small vials of phages. The effect of the treatment was astonishing, as I experienced healing in less than a week by ingesting these small vials of “water” that had no particular taste but were incredibly effective. This was followed by a daily treatment of one vial for about two months. It has been two and a half years since I underwent phage therapy, and I am doing well without the need for antibiotics.
I am immensely grateful to Georgia and its healthcare teams for providing such exceptional care through phage therapy.
Thank you very much to Georgia for phage therapy!
Gérard PAUL
Gérard PAUL
I saved my leg
Phew! Finally, a moment of calm! Since Friday, I’ve been on my February holiday! I’m taking advantage of this quiet moment to finally write to you and wish you all the best for a happy and prosperous 2023. I hope you are well! Yes, I’ve returned to work at the high school since September 1st!
Phew! Finally, a moment of calm! Since Friday, I’ve been on my February holiday!
I’m taking advantage of this quiet moment to finally write to you and wish you all the best for a happy and prosperous 2023. I hope you are well!
Yes, I’ve returned to work at the high school since September 1st!
It’s not easy every day because I’m still walking with a cane, despite the many physical therapy sessions!…
But I am walking, I sleep at night and I no longer have any pain at all! I’ve returned to work and it’s doing wonders for my morale!
I want to thank you again for all the help you’ve given me…
I think of you very often and we frequently talk about you and the care through phages!
I’m taking advantage of this quiet moment to finally write to you and wish you all the best for a happy and prosperous 2023. I hope you are well!
Yes, I’ve returned to work at the high school since September 1st!
It’s not easy every day because I’m still walking with a cane, despite the many physical therapy sessions!…
But I am walking, I sleep at night and I no longer have any pain at all! I’ve returned to work and it’s doing wonders for my morale!
I want to thank you again for all the help you’ve given me…
I think of you very often and we frequently talk about you and the care through phages!
Cured of a staphylococcus infection on a knee prosthesis through phage therapy.
Thank you, Georgia! Thank you, phages! Thank you, Medical care in Georgia! After a knee operation and the installation of a semi-compartmental prosthesis, I was infected by an extremely virulent golden staphylococcus and ended up in septic shock within 48 hours. I was operated on again to replace the prosthesis and deeply clean the knee,
Thank you, Georgia! Thank you, phages! Thank you, Medical care in Georgia!
After a knee operation and the installation of a semi-compartmental prosthesis, I was infected by an extremely virulent golden staphylococcus and ended up in septic shock within 48 hours.
I was operated on again to replace the prosthesis and deeply clean the knee, followed by a dual therapy of very strong antibiotics for three and a half months.
After a month of rest, the infection came back.
I was operated on again to replace the prosthesis and deeply clean the knee, followed by the same dual therapy of very strong antibiotics, at a higher dose for 4 months…
My infectious disease doctor recommended that I stay near a hospital because the infection could return and I could be in septic shock very quickly.
My surgeon wanted to open my knee again after 3 months to check for any remaining infection and perform another cleaning.
After seeking several external opinions, I told him that I wanted to wait and see. I felt that this wasn’t a long-term solution and there was a new risk of contamination.
The antibiotic treatment seemed ineffective and was wearing me out; my staphylococcus was resistant. The consulting physician from my health insurance wrote to me stating that he had a negative opinion about reimbursing my antibiotic treatment as it wasn’t working, adding insult to injury!
We had heard about phage therapy; a friend had been saved from amputation in 2020 by this treatment by going to Georgia.
So, we discussed it with the surgeon and the infectious disease doctor, who expressed serious reservations, in fact, they didn’t know much about it…
When I mentioned phages to my infectious disease doctor, he reacted strongly and told me that if I went to Georgia for phage therapy, I was taking a big risk and he didn’t believe in it. I sensed that he wouldn’t want to take care of me anymore if I did so.
I was all the more puzzled because phage treatment complements antibiotics, they can work together and act synergistically. The side effects of antibiotics are very significant, which isn’t the case with phages.
But another contact with a military doctor told us that he believed in it, that the risks didn’t seem real to him, and that we should try it…
After careful consideration, I decided to go to Georgia for treatment, without discussing it with my infectious disease doctor or my surgeon given their negative reactions.
It was simple; I found a warm welcome there, with caring, competent, and efficient people. I felt confident.
They treated me with specific phages, which I tolerate very well with no fatigue or side effects.
I am not taking any other treatment apart from dietary supplements and vitamins to recover from the side effects of the long-term antibiotic treatment.
It’s been over 6 months now, I am doing very well and I have not had any recurrence of sepsis, my analyses are good, I have gained weight, and my knee no longer hurts. I can walk without any problem, more than 4-5 miles a day, what joy!
When I saw my surgeon again two months ago to tell him that I didn’t want to be operated on again for the moment, he confirmed based on my good analyses and X-rays that it wasn’t necessary, we’d see in 6 months. But he didn’t ask me any questions about the phages…
It served me well not to have listened to them and to have gone for the said phage therapy.
Thank you, Georgia! Thank you, phages! Thank you, Medical care in Georgia!
Thierry De Passemar
After a knee operation and the installation of a semi-compartmental prosthesis, I was infected by an extremely virulent golden staphylococcus and ended up in septic shock within 48 hours.
I was operated on again to replace the prosthesis and deeply clean the knee, followed by a dual therapy of very strong antibiotics for three and a half months.
After a month of rest, the infection came back.
I was operated on again to replace the prosthesis and deeply clean the knee, followed by the same dual therapy of very strong antibiotics, at a higher dose for 4 months…
My infectious disease doctor recommended that I stay near a hospital because the infection could return and I could be in septic shock very quickly.
My surgeon wanted to open my knee again after 3 months to check for any remaining infection and perform another cleaning.
After seeking several external opinions, I told him that I wanted to wait and see. I felt that this wasn’t a long-term solution and there was a new risk of contamination.
The antibiotic treatment seemed ineffective and was wearing me out; my staphylococcus was resistant. The consulting physician from my health insurance wrote to me stating that he had a negative opinion about reimbursing my antibiotic treatment as it wasn’t working, adding insult to injury!
We had heard about phage therapy; a friend had been saved from amputation in 2020 by this treatment by going to Georgia.
So, we discussed it with the surgeon and the infectious disease doctor, who expressed serious reservations, in fact, they didn’t know much about it…
When I mentioned phages to my infectious disease doctor, he reacted strongly and told me that if I went to Georgia for phage therapy, I was taking a big risk and he didn’t believe in it. I sensed that he wouldn’t want to take care of me anymore if I did so.
I was all the more puzzled because phage treatment complements antibiotics, they can work together and act synergistically. The side effects of antibiotics are very significant, which isn’t the case with phages.
But another contact with a military doctor told us that he believed in it, that the risks didn’t seem real to him, and that we should try it…
After careful consideration, I decided to go to Georgia for treatment, without discussing it with my infectious disease doctor or my surgeon given their negative reactions.
It was simple; I found a warm welcome there, with caring, competent, and efficient people. I felt confident.
They treated me with specific phages, which I tolerate very well with no fatigue or side effects.
I am not taking any other treatment apart from dietary supplements and vitamins to recover from the side effects of the long-term antibiotic treatment.
It’s been over 6 months now, I am doing very well and I have not had any recurrence of sepsis, my analyses are good, I have gained weight, and my knee no longer hurts. I can walk without any problem, more than 4-5 miles a day, what joy!
When I saw my surgeon again two months ago to tell him that I didn’t want to be operated on again for the moment, he confirmed based on my good analyses and X-rays that it wasn’t necessary, we’d see in 6 months. But he didn’t ask me any questions about the phages…
It served me well not to have listened to them and to have gone for the said phage therapy.
Thank you, Georgia! Thank you, phages! Thank you, Medical care in Georgia!
Thierry De Passemar
Lire plus “Cured of a staphylococcus infection on a knee prosthesis through phage therapy.”

Thierry De Passemar
Cystic fibrosis treated with phage therapy.
I am 43 years old and have been suffering from cystic fibrosis, colonized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa since the age of 9. Not only have I found a treatment far beyond my expectations, but I have also encountered a warm and caring community. In just a few days of phage therapy, my health has improved significantly.
I am 43 years old and have been suffering from cystic fibrosis, colonized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa since the age of 9. Not only have I found a treatment far beyond my expectations, but I have also encountered a warm and caring community.
In just a few days of phage therapy, my health has improved significantly. I have become less short of breath, cough much less, feel the air entering my lungs, and most importantly… finally able to sleep normally.
Upon my return, I reunited with my 4-year-old son with whom I can now play fight, jump on the trampoline, play soccer, go on bike rides… in short, enjoy all the important moments in life that I was deprived of before.
For me, bacteriophages have given me a second chance at life. I can never thank the entire team at “CAUCASUS HEALING” enough for organizing my stay and the doctors at the Eliava Clinic for their care and expertise!
In just a few days of phage therapy, my health has improved significantly. I have become less short of breath, cough much less, feel the air entering my lungs, and most importantly… finally able to sleep normally.
Upon my return, I reunited with my 4-year-old son with whom I can now play fight, jump on the trampoline, play soccer, go on bike rides… in short, enjoy all the important moments in life that I was deprived of before.
For me, bacteriophages have given me a second chance at life. I can never thank the entire team at “CAUCASUS HEALING” enough for organizing my stay and the doctors at the Eliava Clinic for their care and expertise!
Thank you Phage therapy Georgia!
The trip was superbly organized, with no missteps. Thanks to you, I was able to arrange this trip, which I would not have known how to organize otherwise in such a different country!”
Klebsiella urinary tract infection
Aged 69 and diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1992, treated with Interferon, I had frequent urinary tract infections sometimes treated blindly. This likely led to the selection of a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae strain that I had been carrying in my urinary tract since 2014. All conventional antibiotic treatments were attempted as prescribed by infectious disease
Aged 69 and diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1992, treated with Interferon, I had frequent urinary tract infections sometimes treated blindly.
This likely led to the selection of a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae strain that I had been carrying in my urinary tract since 2014.
All conventional antibiotic treatments were attempted as prescribed by infectious disease specialists at the Croix-Rousse Hospital or the urologist at Lyon Sud Hospital, including infusions lasting up to 3 weeks, Garches Protocol, and more.
All these treatments failed after brief improvements, and I suffered from chronic cystitis, which triggered unbearable pain requiring strong pain medication day and night.
As a bacteriologist and former Head of Service at ANNONAY Hospital Center, I knew that no conventional treatment would eradicate this bacterium, which posed the risk of kidney damage or even septicemia in the long run.
Having learned about the benefits of Phage Therapy during my medical studies, I contacted “Healing in Georgia.” They translated my medical records, provided me with responses from Georgian doctors, and connected me with the physicians while organizing all my appointments with an interpreter.
The reception at the ELIAVA Institute in Tbilisi was also excellent, both in terms of medical care and human interaction, with a particularly attentive approach from the entire medical and paramedical staff.
The treatment involved daily appointments over a period of 15 days (after a week of tests):
– Meeting with all the involved doctors (urologist, gynecologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist): consultations that sometimes lasted up to an hour, during which they considered the patient’s overall problems, not just the described pathology.
– Oral intake of a specifically developed autophage preparation based on my strain of Klebsiella Pneumoniae, both in the morning and evening.
– Urethral instillation of another autophage preparation.
– Complete clinical examination.
– Ultrasound, X-ray.
– Urinary and vaginal bacteriological tests.
After a week of treatment, my pain quickly disappeared, and I was able to gradually stop the powerful pain medication.
A cytobacteriological control showed the absence of Klebsiella after 8 days.
Back in France, I continued the oral treatment for 1 month, and subsequent tests confirmed the sterility of my urine to this day.
After three years of failed conventional antibiotic therapy, these results are extraordinary!
This likely led to the selection of a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae strain that I had been carrying in my urinary tract since 2014.
All conventional antibiotic treatments were attempted as prescribed by infectious disease specialists at the Croix-Rousse Hospital or the urologist at Lyon Sud Hospital, including infusions lasting up to 3 weeks, Garches Protocol, and more.
All these treatments failed after brief improvements, and I suffered from chronic cystitis, which triggered unbearable pain requiring strong pain medication day and night.
As a bacteriologist and former Head of Service at ANNONAY Hospital Center, I knew that no conventional treatment would eradicate this bacterium, which posed the risk of kidney damage or even septicemia in the long run.
Having learned about the benefits of Phage Therapy during my medical studies, I contacted “Healing in Georgia.” They translated my medical records, provided me with responses from Georgian doctors, and connected me with the physicians while organizing all my appointments with an interpreter.
The reception at the ELIAVA Institute in Tbilisi was also excellent, both in terms of medical care and human interaction, with a particularly attentive approach from the entire medical and paramedical staff.
The treatment involved daily appointments over a period of 15 days (after a week of tests):
– Meeting with all the involved doctors (urologist, gynecologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist): consultations that sometimes lasted up to an hour, during which they considered the patient’s overall problems, not just the described pathology.
– Oral intake of a specifically developed autophage preparation based on my strain of Klebsiella Pneumoniae, both in the morning and evening.
– Urethral instillation of another autophage preparation.
– Complete clinical examination.
– Ultrasound, X-ray.
– Urinary and vaginal bacteriological tests.
After a week of treatment, my pain quickly disappeared, and I was able to gradually stop the powerful pain medication.
A cytobacteriological control showed the absence of Klebsiella after 8 days.
Back in France, I continued the oral treatment for 1 month, and subsequent tests confirmed the sterility of my urine to this day.
After three years of failed conventional antibiotic therapy, these results are extraordinary!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find also get the answers to your questions about phage therapy and Georgia by contacting us.

Phage therapy is the use of bacteriophages, which are viruses that can destroy bacteria, to treat bacterial infections.
Georgia (country) is the most experienced country in the world with the largest collection of bacteriophages.
Phage therapy treats most of the bacterial infections.
The effective phages need to come into contact with the bacteria, so they are applied to the infected site.
No side effects have been reported for phage therapy in the past 100 years.